
Attendance Policy

Why is Attendance Important?

The importance of regular and consistent attendance in schools cannot be underestimated. Students concerned about their presence in school are found to be academically more successful. Absenteeism hinders the progress of the child in school. Lessons are carried forward according to teacher planning and missing portions lead to partial understanding of concepts taught in class.

Attendance and Parent Responsibility

Young children are completely dependant on their parents. If they are found to be irregular to school, the parents alone will be held accountable. Older children may skip classes without the knowledge of the parents. Irregularity in such cases will be reported to the parent by the school. We appreciate if prompt remedial measures are carried out so that avoiding school does not become a habit. Older students are expected to be more responsible towards school.

Notifying School in Case of Absence

The security of your child is our main concern and therefore it is imperative that absence from school is notified to the class teacher. There are times when students can give parents the slip and reach some other place, spending school hours in unknown company. This is a reason for concern since they may be led astray and introduced to undesirable addictions. Vigilance in this area will be appreciated by speaking to the child about school, school requirements, activities and progress in class. Communicating with the teachers through the school almanac and attending the school Parent-Teacher Meet on a regular basis can ascertain feedback about the child.

Types of Absenteeism

Late to school

The school takes the absence of students from school on regular working days, very seriously. We appreciate parental help in ensuring all students reach school regularly and on time. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter school. Parents will be notified and the student will be marked as absent from school.

Permission for absence

A written application for absenting themselves from school has to be sought in case students have an important family occasion. Preferably, family functions should be limited to weekends or school holidays. The holiday list is given to the students at the beginning of the session.

Excused Absence

In case of an illness, death or other unexpected circumstances, an application for absence should accompany the student on the day they re-join school. A medical leave certificate from the doctor needs to be presented to substantiate a medical leave.

Excessive Absence

A fair number of students are found to be regularly absent before or during exams, during school excursions, School Sports day, picnics etc. The school does not condone any absence in such cases. Students who are regular with their work are able to cope up with the demands of their courses. As far as activities are concerned, these are a regular part of the school curriculum and all students are expected to take part in them.

Home Schooling

Many self-driven students prefer to go for special classes during school hours. Parents are requested to ensure that such classes do not clash with school. Students found playing truant, either for pleasure or for attending other courses are liable to be suspended or expelled from school.