CBSE Affiliation No :  3530466
To begin your child’s journey into being a citizen of tomorrow, please fill in the admission form below:
Medical Fitness certificate
Attested copy of birth certificate
Progress card of previous academic year( std I onwards)
Previous school’s leaving certificate if any
Ration card and/or passport copy
Passport size photograph of a child, mother & father.
Age Criteria for admission shall be as per the regulatory norms
If you share our vision of child centric education we would like to invite you join us.
For more details, write to us at here. If your quest for a quality education matches our passion, get ready for a rewarding education that can transform your life.
Mount Litera Zee School Roorkee Haridwar Highway , 3 KM Milestone Opp NIH Colony, Roorkee, Pincode- 247667.
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